There are a ton of different kinds of clay. Ranging from a low-fire terracotta that the common flower pot is made from, to a fine porcelain that a delicate tea set may be made. I have been working exclusively with something in between those two extremes: stoneware. It is strong and warm. It is rustic and durable. It is familiar.

During the Sharing the Fire workshops I attended this Spring, I learned about Continental Clay's new "B Clay", which is a 50/50 blend of porcelain and stoneware. I have worked with porcelain a little in the past and love how the whiteness of the clay allows the glazes to show off their color without muting it at all. I adore the smooth feeling of the clay. But porcelain is difficult to work with and more importantly, it fires to a higher temperature than my kiln can manage. I thought perhaps this new blended clay might be the answer for me. Without a push to make it happen though, I let the intrigue fall into the back of my mind.

Then I got the kick I needed. I received an order for a couple of pots with the special request for celadon on a
white clay body. Now was my chance to try out this lovely new clay. I purchased 100 pounds of it and hauled it down into the studio. I started wedging a few balls and was surprised by the cool feel and firmness to it. Then I got on the wheel. I had forgotten how creamy porcelain is in your hands! I played all day in it, imagining how the blank-canvas-white would brighten up all my glazes.
Before I knew it, my one-hundred pounds had disappeared. I picked up another few boxes. I'm working my way through those too. I want to see what this clay will let me do and where it will take me in my work. I love change and mixing it up like this is giving me a fresh perspective on the kind of pots I can make. I found my excuse to branch out a little thanks to this order. I don't think I'm abandoning my stoneware altogether, I'm just curious to see about this B side.