What kid doesn't want to be recognized for their hard work. In fact, what teacher doesn't? We all do and it is nice when that comes to be. So I make it a point to consider the many ways I can show off my class. I put together a slideshow to highlight the students' work to play during the end-of-quarter performance celebration. I post their work periodically on Instagram. I hold art critiques after each firing and have each student present their pieces. I bring tea to the last class to fill their wheel thrown cups and make a toast to their efforts. And this quarter I was able to offer one more way to salute them; I secured a display case in the art hall exclusively for my class.

I offered up this possibility to the class. A group of kids jumped at the chance to lead the designing and implementing of it and got right to work. Meanwhile, I went home and built a few pedestals to add some dimension to the display. (My favorite tool in the shop is hands down the mitre saw so I had a blast!)
The students selected a wide range of clay projects, cut out letters, matted signs, and put it the whole thing together. They took great pride in this endeavor, arranging, rearranging and even offering to wash the glass doors. I am looking forward to walking by this case every day on my way to class. Kudos to my students and their successful display!