Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gardening with Flair

This spring felt like it was never going to come. The merciless winter blasted us with one storm after another. But finally, mid-May, the trees have begun to pop with bits of greenery! The melting snow has at last revealed my garden spaces, who have been anxiously awaiting their expected color. It is too early to plant any annuals. It is too soon for the spring bulbs to expose their glory. It is too cold at night to warm that soil up sufficiently. But I don't know how much longer I can wait! I know I am not the only one who wants to speed up the process. That's where garden art comes in to play.

The toads are burrowing their way back out of the ground about now and are delighted to find their dream home ready and waiting. I have been fine-tuning my toad house designs and adding new details. I have also decided to invite fairies and garden gnomes into the cozy spaces. They have graciously accepted my invitation and often stay to visit long into the evening.

I have also redesigned my color scheme for the Happy Gardener Tour award plaques. I want the colors to be as cheery as possible. The awards should stand out and make the recipients beam with pride for their efforts. (For more on the Tour and garden shops that dole out my garden tiles, follow this link: Happy Gardener Tour)

I have been making hanging planters and adding colorful hand-woven chains. The plastic hanging baskets that usually host the gorgeous bunches of begonias or bougainvillea just do not do them justice. I find the best blends of yarn to highlight my pots and weave it into a chain. It is strong and durable and best of all, adds whimsical vibrance to a currently dreary landscape.

After a winter void of pigment, I just don't think you can overdo color in your garden. Adding artwork to the great outdoors is a touch of brillance. And Mother Nature heartily agrees.