Monday, October 11, 2010

Art Crawl, Wrapped Up

A successful weekend at the Art Crawl! My homeschooling friends were tremendously generous to let me show my work in their studio, and I am grateful to know such kind and creative people. Their Lowertown loft is designed with amazing style and has a view of the river that never stopped impressing me.

I enjoyed talking with many of their friends, neighbors and all the crawlers; hearing where others are from and where their journey is leading. The feedback I received from what people held in their hands, (or didn't), speaks to where I will go from here. For example, I brought the carved moorish-inspired box I had made last Christmas for my husband to use as a moneybox, and put it in the back of the table. I didn't realize folks would circumvent the table to get at it. After the third person lifted the lid and discovered my cash, I emptied it and moved the box to the front of the table. That evening, I got two serious offers to buy it. But I can't sell something that isn't even mine, right? So, I'll be making more carved boxes this week.

The other big draw was the mulberry ("pink") glaze and hot chowder blend. Especially the large bowls with a wide lip. The iridescence at the top and the pooling swirls down on the inside captured a lot of attention. I will be making more of these bowls too.

On the other hand, the candle holders, or luminaries, that I thought would be the hottest seller, are all packed up and still with me. I know some of the reasons why that may be. One woman explained to me that she didn't realize they would open up or understand what they were. My display did not highlight them properly. They were lost between the other pots. Maybe their price was daunting. Their greatest allure is in the dark, with a candle lit inside, illuminating the carved shapes onto the walls. Lessons to be heeded: I need to make signs, the display should have had more vertical dimension, inexpensive pots are easier to sell.

I gathered my remaining pots, all the mental notes from the weekend, and headed home. I am a whole wonderful weekend wiser.