Sunday, October 3, 2010

Getting Ready for the St. Paul Art Crawl

My focus these past couple weeks has been to get ready for the Art Crawl next weekend. Because, not only did I NOT have enough pots to sell, I have recently come out of the mom-zone that has been my mantra for the past twelve years. I need to get this blog up and running, my etsy account updated, and finish designing my logo and business cards. This morning I have to decide if there is enough time to get a few more pots thrown, trimmed, fired, glazed, and fired again before Friday. I may try. I have some platters and cups I threw on Friday and trimmed yesterday drying in the dungeon; waiting now for them to dry enough to get bisqued. And then there are the candle holders I carved out last week, and the sample glaze pots from the week before, and maybe ten or fifteen large bowls and vases from the previous week, but it is never enough. Ideally, I would like a sample of everything. We'll just have to see how much actually ends up happening. Off and running now.